

Useful Facts About Electricity You Must Know

  • Electricity is a fascinating thing, and a vital component of our everyday modern lives. If you want to learn something about electricity that you might not have known before, then step right up and behold this thrilling compilation of interesting facts about electricity.

    • Electricity can be created using water, wind, sun light and even animal wastage.

    • It travels at the speed of light- more than 186,000 miles per second.

    • A 600 megawatt natural gas plant can power 220,000 homes.

    • Power plants that generate electrical energy actually change other forms of energy into electricity.

    • Electricity often comes from both the renewable as well as non-renewable sources.

    • It travels in closed loops called “circuits”. It must have a complete path before the electrons can move.

    • Coal is the world’s biggest source of energy for producing energy.

    • Water and wind are other sources of energy, called mechanical energy.

    • For electric energy to be utilized, it must act through a conductor.

    • Electricity is present in our body- our nerve cells use it to pass signals to the muscles.

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