

Worlds, parties, guilds, alliances and FM auction

  • Can't ever find enough people to do a party quest, not to mention parties are worthless since creatures are to simple to kill. My suggestion is mix all game titles so that the remaining Cheap Maplestory Mesos players can have fun playing together before the match completely dies. An additional bonus EXP/Drop per party member feature in the celebration tab(to remove solo coaching and bossing).

    A massive majority of people are stopping this game. I truly strongly feel that the merging of ALL game servers(excluding reboot) will help players reunite because there would no longer be separate worlds. You know better than I do, that would possibly flooding some of those high-end training areas of the sport, so an additional 10 channels could be inserted to fix this.

    Reinstall the removed feature "Auction" out of KMS patches. This removes the requirement for players to purchase free market shops that lowers profit for your organization, but in turn raises appeal amongst gamers(which can cause some players to return which increases overall bought karma koin).

    The thing that most people want in this sport is always to be on top, to be understood and respected. Characteristics are easily added to honor this thought. Guilds can be used for this. The guild attribute has numerous potential avenues of growth that could make this match burst with amusement. Alliance skills, Alliance wars, Added rankings(rather than 1-5, there could be 1-10) To excite rank. Rank could automatically be acquired through quantity of guild Contribution acquired.

    Upon 50,000 Contribution acquired improvement to rank 8. Upon 75,000 contribution gained improvement to rank 7. Upon 100,000 contribution gained improvement to ranking 6. Upon 125,000 contribution acquired improvement to rank 5. Upon 150,000 contribution acquired advance to rank 4. Upon 175,000 contribution gained improvement to rank 3. Upon 200,000 contribution gained advance to rank two. Rank 1 is clearly and indefinitely guild leader position, which cannot be jeopardized by contribution accumulation. Each position could have jurisdiction or a larger set of skills over the lower ranks.

    It would require 3 from 5 of the guild masters in the alliance to vote on the alliance war. An alliance warfare could consist of a series of Flag races, Jump quests, bossing runs, stage accumulation battle(This could be like the Original monster carnival party quest. Each party can utilize items dropped by the monsters to their advantage to beat the other group.

    The team for the most points by the end of this 10 minute round wins the alliance war event.) Upon winning an alliance warfare, Their alliance title would gain a set amount of points. The alliance with the most points has the highest standing on the alliance war board in each town, and the highest ranking alliance get's to need to glory of becoming number one, but also gets an hourly buff of 2x exp and fall that continues 10minutes, as well as a small damage% and boss damage% boost for as long as they stay as the reigning alliance.

    The alliance wars would reset after a month, Maplestory items to give every alliance a chance to have a head start at the reset. In order for the two alliances to participate in an alliance war, their must be 5 guilds in each alliance, and every alliance has to have a 3/5 yes vote by the guild leaders of each alliance. By way of instance, Alliance blue has guilds 1-5 and alliance red has guilds 6-10. Within 24 hours when guilds 6-10 do not come up with 3/5 yes votes, the invitation is canceled.