

Statistics also reveal that the PUBG Skins

  • Statistics also reveal that the PUBG Skins vast majority of PUBG players are based in Germany, China, and the US. Presently, the Chinese e-sports industry is experiencing its revival; the number of China-based players is also striking, which explains PUBG's rapid growth over the last few months.

    PUBG developer, Bluehole declared that it would join forces with Microsoft to deliver the shooter into Xbox One. PUBG's compatibility with consoles will surely have a positive impact on its prevalence, and of course the substantial earnings the match is expected to generate.

    The first PUBG Invitational was held throughout the GamesCom. Evermore obtained the coveted golden plate in third individual solos. Luminosity won the squad conflicts.

    'PUBG' will start testing its tiny 'Savage' map following week

    PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds proceeds to ramp up the changes as it fights back against Fortnite for the battle royal crown. One portion of this plan that we'd already heard about is that a smaller map alternative named Codename: Savage quantifying at 4x4 Km, which is just a quarter of the magnitude of Erangel and Miramar, the 2 maps already contained in PUBG. The play area must include even more stress to cheap PUBG Skins the game's fast-paced activity.

    The only bad thing? Its developers stated the initial round of testing is going to be shut, and limited to just a few players as soon as it occurs between April 2nd at 10 PM ET and April 5th at 7 AM ET. To get access, you should keep an eye on the game's social media stations for keys, with more information going out on Monday. Pay attention to the video above for some footage of the map (beginning after the thank you message at roughly 2:52).