

It can be FIFA 19 Coins expanded and zoomed in

  • On the top right is your map. It can be FIFA 19 Coins expanded and zoomed in. Additional controls allow you to dash, choose camera angle from left to right shoulder, and disable or enable sound and mic.

    Close to the base of the screen is where you can select your own weapons. You'll also see your health here. Also present are convenient shortcuts for packs. The back pack UI was altered from other platforms and is a lot simpler here.

    On the top left of this display is your kill feed, your squad feed and also the latency in ms.

    Now for the gameplay. Aforementioned gripes with the controllers apart, the game does work well the majority of the time. The mobile version also has some niceties, for example goal aid and also automatically picks up things for you when you walk them over. Aiming by slipping around on the touchscreen is not super precise; it requires some time getting used to and even then it's not excellent.

    However, your opponents are stuck using the very same controls so you're on a level playing field. There are some vehicles which you can push in the game but there's about five of them in complete and they aren't super fun to drive but they do their job of getting you across the map quickly and you may run somebody over along the way and get a simple kill.

    As I mentioned before, you aren't really needed to kill. The Cheap FIFA Coins map is so large you might get through the whole game without killing anyone. In reality, it's often better to not engage with somebody,

    particularly if you're in a location where you understand the probability of being discovered are few and you might easily see someone coming. Not to mention, if you are in the ideal zone so that you don't need to be out the play area any time soon. In these cases, you can simply lie down and never do anything.