

MS | kniv's Reviews on Closers

  • Overall Closers Credits becomes an amazing game. The only disadvantage of the game in my opinion is that you are able to do a limited volume of battles per week instead of level up as fast since you want to. Anything else is merely perfect! Can't stop playing.
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    Umbre?n Feb 16 @ 1:23pm
    Based on how it is set up, it seems as if it's to seek to discourage a farmer from accidentially burning (him/her)self out. I feel that it is pretty smart when done efficiently. It also helps it be where those who can only use on weekends and short time on weekdays (i.e school students) don't seem like they're at a disadvantage as much in playtime unless there is a expiration over a item. If you ask me, I'd say with this kind of Cheap Closers Credits , the fatigue system really fits.