

Field Technician Roles, Responsibilities, and Managment

  • In B2B and B2C, intervening on-site punctually (for an installation, a repair ...) or within the framework of a provision in management (IT services, office management...) is an opportunity for the technicians to learn a lot. The question is whether they have the means to trace this information quickly and efficiently to the sales force or any other person in the company.

    Exploit the potential of mobile CRM

    In this area, mobile CRM applications is a precious asset. With a mobile app, the technician has access to his roadmap, contacts, customer history and the description of the intervention. He can also close the remote intervention sheet and add comments. We can, of course, go further with CRM solutions today: trigger the sending of a satisfaction survey after each intervention; pair the CRM with a corporate social network to share the relevant information directly with the sales representative in charge of the account; and, why not, feed the knowledge base of the company when we have solved on site a new problem ... its not only possible, but its not at all reserved for large structures - thanks to smartphones,

    Tools but also a customer culture

    The tools are one thing but, to value the contribution of the technicians, it is also necessary that the organization and the management follow. By that, I mean that we need to give an explicit mandate to field technician in customer relations. Some companies do it very well. These are usually companies where customer culture and sense of service are highly developed. For example Field Engineer, a leader in the on-demand freelance marketplace. This company of 280 employees revolutionized its management in 2009 so that decisions are taken closer to the field by the operational staff. Its "team liberation" program has been awarded recently and is based on a common-sense principle: it is those who do who knows. Promoting autonomy, consultation and involvement, the program plays a bold role: that of performance through happiness - happiness for everyone to take the initiative, propose and innovate every day in all that allows to work better together and better serve the customer. Performance by joy, can we dream more beautiful philosophy?