


Posted by Roman Vasicek
REGISTER FREE - Take part in a world wide project, and receive daily income as a bonus! We are a private international organization. Our main mission is to expand the limits of possibility. Our goal is to create the most powerful super computer in the world by combining the computational power of all computers (this type of computer is used in climate modeling, calculating satellite orbits, bio-mechanics and other areas) What do we need a super computer for? We are supporting this interesting and unusual project so that it has the chance to make life on our planet more comfortable and safer. Our main goals are to provide financial support for cutting edge practical research, support developments that for one reason or another will disrupt the status quo (such as alternative fuels or facial recognition software) and to provide support to talented scientists and geniuses. This is needed for us now, our children will need it in the future, and the entire planet will benefit in the future! REGISTER FREE -
Posted November 30, 2013
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